Church of the Brethren Theme

By Marilyn Kettering Badger

January 25, 2016

Scripture: Matthew 25:40: And the King will answer them, “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you did it to me.”

The theme of the Church of the Brethren denomination is:

         “Continuing the work of Jesus …

             Peacefully. Simply. Together.”


Are we really trying to practice His teachings?

Are we striving to live peacefully?

Does that mean with each other?

In our families? In our community? In our church? In our neighborhood? In our world? Within our own self? What does it mean to live peacefully?

Is that without fear? Is that external peace in the world in which we live? Is that internal peace of mind and conscience? What is peace?

Peace that passes all understanding?

A bumper sticker says, “When Jesus said, ‘Love your enemies,’ I think he probably meant don’t kill them.”

How do we live simply?

Get rid of the excess? Not participate in the excess?

Become Amish?

Know the difference between need and want…..

Ask ourselves – do we really need those things? Or is it an want?

How do we live together?

Agree to disagree sometimes?

At annual conference, it is sometimes by consensus

Or by waving a hanky to vote yes and no

As one old book says, ”The Brethren - they sometimes vote by silence.”

Is it by treating others as we want to be treated ourselves?


Whatever - - these are Church of the Brethren goals that we strive to meet because our Lord and Savior taught them and said “Do this in remembrance of Me.”

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help us to remember to live peacefully, simply and together.   We want to try to continue Your work in Your way. Help to remember that You are in control. We are Your servants.       Amen.                 

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