We have many opportunities for you to be involved with at Maple Grove.
Sunday School
Our Sunday School program meets year-round at 9:15 and is open to all ages. We encourage people to participate in a Sunday School class because we feel that is where we can better learn and understand what God has planned for each of our lives. You can join any of these classes on any Sunday and if it doesn’t feel like a good fit for you, try a different class the following week. Here is a list of the classes in our Sunday School program.
Nursery and Preschool
Format: Bible stories are shared each Sunday along with hands-on activities
Description: Activities shared include singing songs, learning Bible verses, and sharing Bible stories with the children. Nursery children can explore and learn to share with each other. Snacks are provided. These classes are available for both Sunday School and the Church hour.
Primary–Kindergarten through Sixth Grade
Format: Bible stories with crafts and songs to reinforce the lessons
Description: This group is broken up into three separate classes by age where the children study different Bible stories and how they apply to their lives. The lessons often involve worksheets, crafts, songs, and games to help better the children’s understanding and retention of the material.
Format: Discussion and video
Description: The youth class is made up of youth in grades seven through twelve. They meet in the basement which is accessed by the steps just outside of the Sanctuary doors. The class includes a time of prayer and sharing what is going on in their lives followed by a time of topical study. Classes often involve different forms of media to help better understand the topics being studied. The youth also work together to prepare the worship service for one Sunday per year. Much of this preparation is done during Sunday School.
Junior Church Program
The Junior Church program is a time when children through sixth grade are dismissed partway through the worship service to study with teachers. This occurs on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. The kids can’t seem to wait for the Junior Church Sundays!
Vacation Bible School
An annual event at Maple Grove is Vacation Bible School (VBS). This week-long program offers classes for all ages including adults. Each year, VBS includes themed lessons and music, as well as the opportunity to raise money to help with different relief organizations such as Heifer International.
Youth Fellowship
The Youth Fellowship meets regularly throughout the year for various activities, including fellowship events, service projects, fundraising opportunities, and Bible study meetings. The youth also participate in district and national youth events. The youth group is for youth in grades six through twelve.
Cherub Choir
The Cherub Choir is made up of children from kindergarten through sixth grade who love to sing. They practice on Wednesday evenings between September and May and they sing a variety of songs that often have a lively beat. Often the children learn motions to go with the songs they sing. Everybody in the congregation looks forward to the Sundays that the youth share their music with us during the worship service.