By Marilyn Kettering Badger
March 7, 2016How can we show thankfulness to God and to others? What do we say? What do we do? There is so much to be thankful for but so often we just never mention that because God especially and people in general should know we are thankful. Right? ? ? NOT! It needs to be named; it needs to be said: for the benefit of God, who just loves us to communicate with Him and for others, who need to know what our agenda is and, most of all, for ourselves so we can focus on it and sort it all out for ourselves to help clarify it!
If we really get going on this it could be pages long or pages short depending on our perspective. Am I a clumper who groups everything in big groups. i.e., God thank you for nature, for food, for
love, for everything! Or am I a divider who separates it all out: God thank you for my eyes, the color in them, for the fluid filling them, for the work they do, for the clarity of vision, for lids to protect them, for the lashes who keep bugs away, for the things they see and the words they read, etc. etc. Guess what - it is not so important how you do it. What is important is that you do it – communicate to God!
Any time is a time to give thanks. Not just at Thanksgiving. How do we do it? The Pilgrims saw they needed a time to give thanks and it became our Thanksgiving. Should we be as thankful as they were or even more so today with our many blessings. Our Brethren ancestors saw this as just as important. It was not a day of shopping for the best bargains or getting the “good deals” before everyone else did. It was a simple prayerful time of joy and celebration.
Should we not be thankful every minute, every hour, every day of every year of our lives. Shouldn’t we have an attitude of gratitude always?
Dear Lord, help to always remember our attitude of gratitude will make us a better person in all areas of our life. Amen.
Keywords: history