Blog posts tagged with "romans"
Ending One Chapter Leads to Beginning Another
May 1st will be an important day for me (although by the time you read this it will be long past it) because it is my graduation day. On the first of May, I will...
A Brush With Greatness and Fame
Early years, before the division into church districts, "church" was held in homes/cabins every two weeks or maybe once per month, varying the locations: north, south, east, west. Since the "Brethren" tended to live in...
It's July. It's that time of year when life takes a laid-back attitude as we soak up the sunshine and warmth of the season. It is the nose-crinkling aroma ...
Second Chances
The football season is almost over; only the Super Bowl with the last two winning teams playing is left. Because with each playoff game the losing team was eliminated