Blog posts tagged with "history"
God Is In Control..
When I wake in the morning, I’m so glad God is in control and wants me with Him in His work for the next day. When I look out on the world of nature...
Church of the Brethren Theme
The theme of the Church of the Brethren denomination is: “Continuing the work of Jesus. Peacefully. Simply. Together.†...
What's with that painting?
Above the double doors as you exit the sanctuary is a painting of Christ praying on a rock assumed to depict the Garden of Gethsemane. This painting hung at the front of ...
The Ministers' Table Becomes a Pulpit
In the early church era (1850-1870) there was a long table at the front of the sanctuary behind which several volunteer ministers sat who were to speak at that...
A Brush With Greatness and Fame
Early years, before the division into church districts, "church" was held in homes/cabins every two weeks or maybe once per month, varying the locations: north, south, east, west. Since the "Brethren" tended to live in...
Maple Grove History-Names and Age
The Bible is clear on what a brethren is and what a brethren is not. A brethren is a Christian that has accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. A brethren is no more...